An experimental documentary that looks at how architecture and contemporary spaces are defined by what Marc Augé called "non-places".
Director: Denis Hoti
Producer: Omid Raghimi, Armin Zare, Rowan Pearce
Writer: Denis Hoti
Director of Photography: Rowan Pearce
Director's Statement:
While there is great privilege for those who live in urban spaces, there is also a great sense of emptiness. Late capitalism has created spaces that are designed to promote anonymity, to sustain the feeling of drift we all feel when living our daily lives. It augments our sense of space, history, and time. When Marc Auge wrote of non-places, he restricted it to airports, hotels, shopping centres. But today those ideas have extended even into the digital space. Our sense of space has even begun to affect how we perceive the environment and ecology around us. This is a film that demonstrates how a depiction of non-places first requires us to abandon a sense of filmic structure, of order. A mixture of archival, found, and self-shot footage. The film takes place both in digital space and in the streets of London. It is a documentary that takes from everything, yet it delivers nothing. Because that is what a non-place is, an entity consisting of many things, in order to create nothing.